Look how far you’ve come and don’t forget to have fun!
Let’s begin this New Year with some fresh beginnings and hope that the coming days of this year be as fruitful and blissful as we want it to be.
As we all know, New Year is when everyone is ready to set some new Resolutions as they believe they can bring some changes to their life. Many of them succeed in fulfilling their resolutions while most of them just drag them.
Every year I watch most of my friends setting New Year’s resolutions but after a month they just forget them and their excitement deflate and they go back to their old routines like the previous times. A new year resolution is nothing but just a fantasy that something new can be started which at most times remains only a mere word rather than reality.
“With irresolute finger he knocked at each one of the doorways of life, and abided in none.” - Owen Meredith
New Year Resolution is, therefore, is just a myth than reality. Some myth-busting facts are mentioned below:
⦁On January 1, one cannot change everything and become a changed person.
Within just 1 day one cannot change everything, you will still remain the same person as you are on 31st December. It takes a whole new effort to let your dreams come true and not just mere resolutions.
⦁Small changes are very easy to make.
Resolutions on New year are basically attached to making small changes in your life like doing less shopping, consuming fewer junk foods, etc. Well sorry to say that no change is small, it all requires continuous hard work and persistence to achieve that and not just making a resolution.
⦁Resolutions make a lot of sense.
Wrong. Resolution is nothing but shaping a better future ahead. When you are ready to improve your life then why wait for a New year? You can start any time you want. Just making a resolution won't help if you are not determined enough to make a change.
⦁New Year's Resolution can make a better person.
Many people thrive to be better people but wait for the right moment to implement it. They think that the path to a better self is through setting a new year's resolution. In doing so they forget the fact that only you can make yourself better and that no other resolution can help it.
So, always be ready to accept the fact that you are the one who can bring change anywhere and at any time. You do not need any resolution to support you. You are enough for yourself! Just have to believe in yourself.
One should not think that only making resolutions can change everything around us in just one single day. It needs small steps and decisions initially to get success in your life. So if New Year's resolutions don't seem to work for you, stop making resolutions. And start implementing small changes, today.