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Image by Ishan @seefromthesky
Writer's pictureShramana SR Mandal

Discovering the Hidden Keys to Japanese Longevity and Wellness

Japanese Longevity and Wellness
Japanese secret of healthy living

Japanese secret of healthy living is something that the whole world is interested to know about and aspire to follow the same lifestyle that they follow to stay healthy and fit for a longer period of time. Japan has also the highest number of people aged above 100 in the world. This is because the people of Japan used to follow a healthy lifestyle that includes both proper diet and exercise. Eating a healthy diet is very important for leading a disease-free life which can definitely increase your life span.

Longevity is a dream for many but only following a certain lifestyle is not possible. One should maintain a well-balanced healthy diet on a regular basis which will definitely help them in changing their life pattern into an organized and structured one where they will start realizing the changes in their lifestyle and health. Nagano in Japan has the longest life expectancy in the world where people strictly follow a healthy diet pattern without fail.

The people of Japan follow diets that are mainly rich in nutrition, omega-3 fatty acids, proteins, and a lot of vitamins. They mostly eat rice, soya, tofu, etc. which are low in saturated fats and sugars but rich in vitamins and nutrients that reduce the risk of cancers and heart diseases. As they follow a healthy lifestyle, the obesity rate in Japan is also very low and you can very few people are overweight and unhealthy due to weight gain diseases. Obesity is the main cause of many diseases like diabetes, cancer, and heart disease, and as these diseases are not so prevalent in Japan it can be popularly said that the people of Japan live a healthy life by following a well-balanced diet.

Japanese People and Their Healthy Habits

The diet of the Japanese people is regarded as one of the best diets in the world and so the people of Japan have great skin and longer life, unlike other people of different countries. Some healthy habits that these people of Japan mainly follow are:

More focus on Seafood

The Japanese people mainly feed on Seafood and it is one of the important addition to their daily diet. Due to their high seafood consumption, the people of Japan are less prone to heart diseases and cancers. The Japanese diet included about three ounces of seafood daily which is not even comparable to other countries of the world. They mainly eat fish and shellfish which are high in nutrition and omega-3 fatty acids. Among all the seafood, proteins and vitamins are common which helps the Japanese people to lead a healthy life.

Consumption of Green tea

Green tea is undoubtedly the best drinking beverage of all and this should definitely be included in your daily diet. Green tea is rich in polyphenol antioxidants which help in reducing inflammation and protect the body cells from any kind of external damage which can lead to chronic diseases. But green tea has a certain mood-boosting chemical in it which not only refreshes the mood but also keeps your gut health good and healthy.

Eat slowly

Japanese people believe in eating slowly and steadily by enjoying each bite of their food and this also gives them time to spend time with their family which eventually strengthens their bond. Also, proper chewing of food is very important for digestion which will also help in the proper functioning of your gut.

Breakfast is important

Breakfast is the main meal of the day so one should not skip it by any means. Having a healthy breakfast with oats, salads, and steamed rice with rice porridge is very beneficial for the overall health of a person. One should also maintain a healthy diet during breakfast as it will definitely help them in changing their lifestyle towards a better one.

Eat until you are almost full

The Japanese people believe in eating until they are almost full. There is also a famous saying in Japanese, ‘Hara Hachi bu’ which means eat until you are 80% full. This means that one should eat enough so that their stomach is full but still they have some room for more food in their stomach. Intaking the right amount of food is very important to meet your body’s needs without overdoing it. Eating the right amount of food helps keep the calorie intake of your body properly and can also enjoy your meals.

More consumption of Rice

Japanese restaurants and households mainly prefer rice to other meals. This is because the people of Japan mainly favor rice over bread as they consider it their staple diet. Rice can help in absorbing all the necessary nutrients like proteins and vitamins. So, rice is very much liked by all the people of Japan instead of bread or Rotis.

Cooking methods

Japanese people are more inclined towards eating non-cooked foods and so they more often eat fermented and steamed foods like boiled broccoli, steamed rice, roasted salads, etc. which are definitely healthy to eat. The cuisines of Japan also use very less oil during cooking which makes it quite healthy to eat as less oily foods are more nutritious and rich in protein.

Eating less sweet foods

The people of Japan eat fewer sweets and add more savoury dishes to their daily diet. The Japanese always follow a healthy lifestyle and sugar is a big no to maintaining this life pattern. Eating sugar in tea or other sweet dishes is very harmful as this can increase diabetes and heart problems. Japan is also famous for sweet dishes but the inhabitants of Japan are more prone to consume savoury and spicy dishes on a daily basis.

Eating soy-based foods

Soy-based foods are more popularly used in Japan as they are a good source of carbohydrates, protein, and fats. Soybeans are used to make different types of food like tofu, soya milk, miso, etc. which are widely consumed during breakfast or lunch. Soy protein is very much necessary in boosting your immune system which develops the overall health of your body by keeping you fit and fine for a longer period of time. It also helps in balancing your hormones and managing your weight.

Maintaining strong social circles

People of Japan believe in staying socially connected with other people in their surroundings like their neighbours, friends, and relatives. Staying socially connected helps the Japanese people to enjoy better physical and emotional well-being during their old age. The most popular type of social engagement that you can see is known as ‘Moai’ - a type of Okinawan social circle that provides friendship for life and also provides financial assistance to those who are in need. Everyone in this circle is dependent on one another and they know that each one of them will be in need of one another during the phase of struggle.

Consuming more vegetables

Japanese people are more inclined towards using more vegetables as they contain more vitamins, proteins, and healthy nutrients that will keep one healthy and disease-free. They mostly eat cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, Chinese cabbage, kale, etc. because these vegetables are not only rich in Vitamin C but also contain anti-cancer properties so it can be seen that people of Japan do not suffer much from cancer because of their inclination towards these healthy vegetables.

Focus more on cleanliness

Cleanliness is one of the most important aspects of the Japanese people as they believe in proper hygiene and purification. The people of Japan even used to bathe twice or thrice during summer because they like to stay clean and tidy all the time because they believe that cleanliness is next to Godliness. In fact, Japanese schools even consider cleanliness as a part of their education. All the students of the schools clean their campus by themselves because they love to clean their own place and other stuff

Philosophy of Ikigai

Ikigai basically means, “the reason for being” which is basically popular in Japan. Ikigai mainly means that when one is born their life is a blank book and it is your duty to find the purpose of your life and work towards your goal of achieving it by any means. Generations of Japanese have believed in and practised Ikigai and have been leading a sustained, fulfilling, and healthier life.

Japanese people, therefore, believe in leading a healthy lifestyle by maintaining a proper healthy diet and also maintaining strong social connections with other people. The people of Japan are also more inclined to eat more green vegetables and less oily foods which helps them to stay away from life-threatening diseases and lead a healthy and positive life for a longer duration of time.

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