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Image by Ishan @seefromthesky
Writer's pictureSupama Maji

Motor Neuron Disease: Symptoms, Treatment and Cure, all you need to know

Your most basic work in a day is walking, eating, talking, and speaking but patients of Motor Neuron diseases can lack all of those activities. If you are going through this disease and your family members go through this, you understand the difficulties of this disease much more accurately.

What is Motor Neuron Disease or ALS? Motor Neuron Disease is a rare condition that affects the brain and Nerves. It can cause weakness and it gets worse with time. It is a progressive disease. This disease can cause destruction of the nervous system. MND occurs when motor neurons stop working properly. This is known as neurodegeneration. Motor neurons have lots of activity in our body like- gripping, walking, speaking, swallowing, and breathing. MND disease begins with occurring weakness of the muscle in the hands, feet, or voice. This uncommon disease mostly affected elderly people.

Symptoms of Motor Neuron Disease:

This disease spreads gradually. The different types of MND cause alike symptoms. This disease has three stages- early, middle, and advanced.


·The early symptoms occur in the ankle and leg. The patient finds it difficult to climb stairs, is unable to batten shirts, and has muscle twitching, Tingling, or pins and needles.

·Numbness in hands, feet, or limbs.

·Dropping things due to weakness or stiff hands.

·The middle symptom is slurred speech which may cause develop into difficulty swallowing foods.

·The Advanced stages of MND may cause more parts and functions of the body to be affected. It can make patients likely to face infection which can cause the condition of the patient to get worse.

·The limbs will become weaker.

·The muscle wasting in hands and legs getting worse.

·In the Final stage, the patient may affect regarding speech, swallowing problems, and unable to think properly.

·Difficulties occur in eating, and drinking.

·And some patients may experience choking.

Treatment of MND:

Usually, MND has no cure at all. There are treatments available that can help to reduce and give relieve many of the symptoms of MND and sustain a better quality of life.

·Generally, Physiotherapy can help muscle cramps and patients feel relief.

·Torfersen has been found to lower the progression of the disease in around minimal cases of MND.

·Riluzole is the drug that identifies as the only medicine for effective patients.

·Stem Cell therapy is a good process for MND patients.

Motor Neuron disease has no treatment to cure this disease properly. But treatment can help to reduce the impact. You need to contact highly specialized clinics. And To under occupational therapy to help make everyday tasks better.

How long do MND patients live?

This is a vital question Indeed. The patient with MND symptoms can live one to five years. According to research, 10% of people with MND is survives to 10 years or more.

Ø It was thought that MND only attacked the nerve cells that enable people to speak, move, breathe, and swallow. In recent times half of the people with MND can face changes in cognition, language, behavior, and personality.

How a Patient Survives a Motor Neuron Disease

The Symptoms and treatment are different for each type of motor neuron disease. Some are more progressive, and others are milder.

Generally, MND has no cure. Medicines and therapy can control symptoms and improve the quality of life.

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