Nature conservation is one of the most important steps that the government should take in order to save it from deteriorating more in the coming future. Only by conserving nature, climate change mitigation can be achieved as nature plays an alarming role in the change of climate in the world. By helping conserve our natural resources, one can ensure that future generations will also have a thriving planet to live and grow on.
Nature conservation is basically a movement that focuses on the protection of the natural resources on Earth and the wildlife from extinction and as well as slowing down the rate of climate change and its other adverse effects that are destroying nature in all possible ways starting from deforestation, landslides, river pollution, and so on. The conservation of nature mainly ensures that nature’s biological diversity stays protected within the green and clean ecosystem of the planet earth, it also helps in establishing protected areas like wildlife sanctuaries which are very much harmed due to climate change and natural disasters. Conserving nature can also mitigate the habitat loss of certain species which are now almost extinct and strives to prevent any such further destruction.
Conservation of nature is one of the important steps that the government should adopt in enhancing the ecosystem services of the earth and encouraging sustainability which helps in maintaining a healthier and green environment around us. Nature is the only way through which you can keep your earth healthier and wealthier for a longer period of time so one should keep in mind that like their own home, one should also keep the natural surroundings clean and tidy.
Nature conservation goals include conserving the wildlife habitat, preventing deforestation, maintaining the soil's organic matter, reducing fishing, and so on. All these are a part of the conservation of nature and this can only be achieved if everyone becomes conscious and responsible towards nature. Through conservation, you can also maintain the natural resources of the earth for future generations to use by focusing on the well-being and longevity of the planet earth.

New innovations for nature conservation
Conserving nature is becoming so important that around the world scientists are working on new innovations and technologies for protecting the environment, wildlife, rivers, oceans, and so on. Some of the major innovations that can be quite helpful in conserving nature are discussed below:

Detecting deforestation through the use of Artificial intelligence
Artificial intelligence can be one of the best methods that should be used in conserving nature as scientists used a special artificial program named ‘Terra-i’ where they make use of real-time data to predict how green a habitat should be and then compare it with the images of the habitat taken by any earth-monitoring satellite and then compare them to find out how human activity is hampering the natural forests of the earth. Through this method, they can also stop unnecessary human activities in forest areas like cutting trees, grazing cattle, and so on.

Live camera feeds
Live cameras are one of the most recent innovations that have been adopted in order to make people aware of the belongings of nature. These live cameras most importantly spy on the bird nests to educate the people about the lives of birds and also allow them to see everything from hatching eggs to daily feedings. Therefore, many people can be seen attached to the birds like their own family, and fear of their dying or getting hurt.

Protecting nature and biodiversity in a remote forest can be difficult so in that case using the latest accousting monitoring equipment the scientists can record the sounds of the forest and then analyze them. Depending on the sounds it can be predicted that the ecosystem is healthier and greater if soundscapes are more complex and complete.

Camera traps
Camera traps are again one of the most common types of methods that have been used for some time. Here, certain conservationists employ camera traps in remote habitats and allowing them to monitor the presence of rare birds and then have a better understanding of the habitats of these creatures. Through this method, conservationists can also spy on the wildlife roaming movement and conduct certain inventories.

Wildlife tracking
Wildlife tracking can be one of the most innovative techniques that have been adopted to keep a track of the natural surroundings including wildlife. By using these technologies a radio collar has been attached to the wild animals to keep track of the movement of the creatures and gather the data related to it. Therefore, it allows conservation planners to track migrations of certain animals that have until now been mysteries.

Planting more trees
Planting trees is one of the oldest methods that has been encouraged from ancient times in order to conserve nature. Trees play an important role in preserving nature as they absorb the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and converting into breathable oxygen. Everyone should be inclined in saving trees from cutting and destruction and instead plant more trees every year to make our planet earth a safe and green place to stay for not only human beings but also all other creatures.

DNA Analysis
The analysis of DNA is an important step used by conservationists to know more about the diet of herbivores and animals and about population genetics. This DNA analysis is becoming quite important for conservationists as they used to keep track of the diverse diets of the herbivores and animals and the species carried by migratory birds. So, analyzing the DNA can be an important step in conserving nature to a great extent.

Alternative energy resources
Conservation of nature can be done also by switching to natural resources like solar energy and geothermal energy which can help in reducing the use of fossil fuels and this in turn also reduces the number of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. This reduction of greenhouse gases also lessens mining and drilling which are destroying nature’s resources and hampering the climate and also wildlife to a great extent.

Establishing protected areas
Protected areas can also help to a great extent in conserving nature by establishing natural parks, wildlife sanctuaries, and natural reserves which can help in protecting the biodiversity of nature from harmful use of land and other human activities by keeping the wildlife habitats and other animals food resources safe and secure. Natural parks and wildlife sanctuaries can protect wildlife from all types of encroachments and human activities.

Conservationists make use of drones in a very effective way to observe wildlife from an aerial view which otherwise would not be possible. Through the use of drones, they can keep an eye on all the natural hazards and as well as human activities that are harming nature at an alarming rate. By observing only, they can reduce these activities and help in conserving the natural surroundings and wildlife habitats.
Ways to protect the environment
There are many ways through which the natural environment can be protected and keep it clean and green always.
Consume less
Less consumption can help in a great way in protecting the environment as the famous 3 R’s is known to everyone i.e. Reduce, reuse, and recycle. People should focus more on the reuse and recycle part as this can reduce soil pollution by recycling plastics.
Buy local products
Everyone should be encouraged in buying natural and local products as these products are mainly made from eco-friendly things which will not harm the environment and can also be reused again. And also local products are healthier to use than the other processed and artificial made products as certain chemicals were used while making the food items that are not at all good for health.
No use of chemicals
Chemicals should be completely banned from using any type of product used as this not only harms health but also can harm nature by getting polluted and unclean due to the use of harmful chemicals in industries which lead to air pollution and harming the health of people leading to certain lung diseases and heart problems. So, chemicals should be avoided in using any type of food, agriculture, and industries.
Use less water
Conserving and saving water is a part of nature conservation and should be highly encouraged in each and every household because water is an important part of life and water conservation not only helps in saving water but also help in protecting our natural water resources like groundwater and rivers.
Conserve electricity
Conservation of electricity is also an important part of your goal of nature conservation as using less electricity is a win for the planet as it will conserve the energy which can be used for other natural resources like solar panels and solar lights. One should make less use of heaters and ACs to lessen electricity consumption to a great rate.
Nature conservation thus plays an important role because without conserving and protecting nature, one cannot protect themselves because everyone lives in accordance with nature and to stay healthy and wealthy you have to keep your surroundings healthier and wealthier.